Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thankfulness in a Time of Economic Depression

We're in a time of economic depression. People are facing uncertainties. People wonder what the future holds. People are suddenly more cautious in their spending, in their planning, in how they view their jobs. Life has changed—but God has not!

So what do we focus on in times like this? On the hardships? On the uncertainties? On the lack of funds? On the loss of a job—or the possible loss of a job?

I think not. In fact, I think it best to focus on all the things, little and big, that we have to be thankful for! In Hebrews 13:5 we're instructed to be content. So often contentment and thankfulness go hand in hand. And so, here goes... .

I am thankful for... healthy family.

...the sun shining in my eyes on the way to work—a rare occurrence here in central New York!

...children that respect and obey us—and are just fun to be with!

...parents that raised me in a loving Christian home.

...Mocha, my Jack Russell Terrier that gives me my cuddle times and makes me feel special! on the table!

...a husband that is a godly man who looks after me, encourages me, makes me smile and is my best friend.

...our home—a refuge at the end of a long day. job with all it's variety. Working the 11pm-7am shift for a year and a half at a factory REALLY makes me appreciate my present job!

...older sons that will actually sit and talk with me! It's fun having friendships with adult children!

...a daughter(-in-law) that understands how I think—in contrast to my four sons at times!

...a sister that, though miles away, is always close to my heart.

...electricity and hot running water. (Yeah, we lived long enough in a tribal situation where that really did not exist!)

...the ice-maker in my freezer. (I love the sound of the ice falling, already formed, into the ice tray.)

...friends. (How does one live without them?!) Heavenly Father who loves me despite my failures, encourages me, strengthens me, and makes all the difference in my life.

What do YOU have to be thankful for?


  1. Clint and I were talking about this a few days ago. We are thankful that Christians continue to give towards missions even when they are hurting financially themselves. This allows us to remain here and minister.
