Friday, February 20, 2009

The Great Chicken-Slayer

Our son was only six at the time, so when he came to his father and asked if he could go kill a chicken, Matt, being a bit distracted and presuming this was all in play said, "Sure."

Off our son went in search of chicken to kill... .

A short while later a very pleased "Chicken-Slayer" arrived with his prey. Thankfully it was only a dead peep in his hands and not a full grown chicken! Of course, the dead peep was still more than Matt had bargained for. It presented the challenge of explaining cross-culturally with his still limited language ability the "why" behind the fact that our son had just killed someone's peep! Thankfully, they saw the humor in the situation!

1 comment:

  1. I can imagine the proud look on his little face.I always thought that the Ye'kwana had a great sense of humor which made difficulties easier to handle.
