Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Continuing Saga...

Dragging a box of Kleenex from room to room wasn't how I had envisioned our mini-vacation, but the special time with friends outweighed the congestion in my head. Coming down with a bad cold may not have been the way I would have planned it, but God gave us a great time reconnecting with Walt and Jane.

Likewise, the second opinion appointment wasn't what I had envisioned. Loving to read and write, I couldn't help but take note of the "foreshadowing" woven in the doctor's beginning words as he prepared us for an opinion different than the one previously given. In any other situation it may not have held a sinister tone, but if there ever were a 'good' diagnosis of Stage IV Pancreatic cancer, Matt had already been given that one. A different opinion or new diagnosis could not be good news -- but they gave us a different opinion anyway. Of course, we had driven five and a half hours for them to do just that. 

In a nutshell,  the second opinion was that this is not the slow-growing type, but a more aggressive type of pancreatic cancer. The difference in the interpretation of the pathology needs to be investigated. Further testing of the pathology and a CAT scan are in order. It definitely wasn't the second opinion we were looking for. Instead of more answers on how to treat the already rare diagnosis we had, we find God stretching us yet more and reminding us our hope is in Him and not in diagnoses or prognoses. We face many unknowns, but we have a great hope in our God who is a known, who has been faithful throughout the ages, and will continue to be faithful on our behalf.


  1. Hey Rosie and Matt,
    We are so sorry to hear about the news. We keep you in our prayers and we have our church praying for you. Your strength and unwavering faith in God has been a testimony for Christians and I pray non-Christians as well that absolutely no one could have without God by their side!

  2. Oh Rosie and Matt...I too am disappointed to hear the news wasn't what you wanted to hear... We know Who holds the future so it isn't unknown to him....and He will make it plan to you both...I pray your kids will be willing to lean on the Lord thru all of this as well...NOt easy for kids either...May you be strong on their behalf Rosie...You are no alone...our prayers are with you and for you... Uncle Paul and I continue to uphold you before the Throne!

  3. Matt and Rosie - We are at a loss for words right now - Please feel the love and prayers we are sending your way!!! Larry and Violet

  4. Praying for you all!

  5. I know how trivial this can sound and almost would rather not but... One Day at a Time ... that is only what God gives us. Enjoy the time you have today. See how God blesses us today. We are forgiven from our past and the future is not our but God's. It is He who allows us the grace to LIVE TODAY. Don't allow this to rob you of your joy together today. Be at peace and rest in Him who gives you today. G
