Monday, March 21, 2011

Chemo 101

Chemotherapy. The dreaded word. The dreaded treatment. A word synonymous with horrific side affects and loss of hair -- though hair loss obviously isn't Matt's greatest concern! But still, a treatment that states without a doubt that you have cancer.

Matt began the dreaded treatment today. Anti-nausea meds were followed by a  two hour drip of drugs one and two combined. Later, instruction was given as a pouch/pump was attached  to slowly administer drug number three over the next two days. Five hours later we were finally heading home.

Thus far it has been wonderfully anti-climatic. I know by tomorrow night he might be experiencing side affects. I know there are accumulative effects to consider. But for today it's been such a relief and blessing to see none of the possible initial side affects or reactions pushing their ugly heads to the surface.

 One chemo treatment at at time. One day at a time. God's grace is sufficient.


  1. Hi aunt Rosie, Thanks for keeping us all up to date on whats going on. I just keep thinking about everything. You and Uncle Matt where/are a huge part of my life. Joe is my best friend and you guys are second parents to me. Tenley and I will keep praying with you guys.

  2. Thanks, Wes. We love you and your family too -- and keep trying to find ways to claim you all as our family! And Tenley, you are definitely now a part of this beloved family! Thanks for praying.

  3. Thanks for the update and being so explicit...I like that...You are not afraid to tell us just what is happening...thanks Rosie for being transparent! Maybe you should expect the worse and the best might come:) Love you both! Aunt Pat

  4. Rosie and Matt I'm Jen's Aunt Sandy from Sarnia my husband is Larry. We met at the wedding. Although I don't "know" you, I feel as I do through your blog.... where you've shared your heart. I'm a sister in Christ to you both, and please know that from the time Jen and Joe told us about Matt's cancer, you've all been in our prayers. Life here is certainly not 'fair', but then again if it were would we need our Saviour? Trusting for His best for your whole family, Sandy & Larry Causley

  5. Siempre estan en mis oraciones Rosita! Tu y Mateo! Estoy pendiente de tus noticias de ti y de tu amada familia! Y han sido un ejemplo para mi!
    Les mando un gran abrazo! Les amo!
    Su compaƱera

  6. You all so often pop into my thoughts. Praying. Donna

  7. Hace tiempo, Musme! Me alegro escucharte. Gracias por tus oraciones.
