It's been a long week for our family. A week ago today my husband had a doctor's appointment I had arranged due to the fact that he was just plain worn out all the time, getting weaker, starting to get short of breath on exertion, and a few other symptoms. Something was definitely wrong.
To make a long story short, he was in ER by that evening in need of a blood transfusion. After an endoscopy, blood work and a CAT scan at our local hospital, that Friday he was transferred to Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, NY. By then we knew he had veins that had engorged by an enlarged spleen, but no definite reason as to why the spleen was enlarged. We were also told there were two lesions on his liver.
At Strong Memorial more blood work, an ultrasound, MRI and liver biopsy revealed that Matt has liver cancer. The preliminary pathology report from the biopsy re-confirmed the initial diagnosis of cancer. We are waiting on further tests on the sample that take several days to complete to determine if the cancer originated in the pancreas and metastasized to the liver -- or if it really did originate in the liver. This would affect the type of treatment. We have an appointment with the oncologist at the Cancer Clinic at Strong Memorial in Rochester, NY on Monday, January 3rd. Our understanding is that at that time they will have gathered our options and present them to us and a course of treatment will be determined. Considering we only began this journey last Wednesday, they have been thorough and quick in checking into things. Yesterday, Wednesday, Matt was discharged from the hospital. Pretty much they were trying to get Matt home for Christmas which I think was a really good move.
It's a lot to digest. The best way I can figure to pray is as our Lord prayed, "If it be possible, let this cup be taken from us -- but not our will, but thine be done." It may "feel" like this is all about us -- but it's all about HIM and that HE receive the glory through the trials He has entrusted to us. Our desire is for the cup to be removed, for Matt to suddenly not be facing this grave disease, for a miracle. But our greater heart's desire is that God be glorified through our lives in whatever way will best bring HIM the glory. Keep us in your prayers.
Echoing your prayer and remembering your family this Christmas. May you be able to rest in His arms in the midst of this great storm.