Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Toy Box

The twins weren't speaking yet. Gibberish would be the best way to describe the sounds that came out of their mouths---even if they were convinced they really were communicating! Usually that was not a problem...until this one day.

I was in the kitchen making dinner and had sent our toddler twins back to their bedroom to pick up their toys. They weren't gone long enough to have completed the job when they were back at my side gibbering away about something, a something of which I had no idea. All I knew was that they couldn't have finished picking up their toys that fast. Like a good and faithful mother, I sent them back to complete the job. They chattered away in their own little language at the idea, but complied, heading back to their bedroom.

It was only a few minutes before they were back again, this time the gibberish being even more animated. They were definitely intend on telling me something and not sure why I wasn't getting it! Realizing that nothing was probably going to get done until I checked this out, I followed them back to their bedroom where they excitedly pointed out to me that there was a snake in their toy box! I'm sure they were wondering why I hadn't understood them, why I couldn't have grasped the concept that they could NOT put away their toys!

I did what any good wife and mother does. I quickly took the twins from the room, away from the poisonous snake, as I simultaneously thanked God for His protection and called my husband to deal with the deadly intruder!

I'm sure the twins were disappointed when they realized that one snake in their toy box did not institute a life-time ban from picking up their toys!